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평화와 화해의 순례

What is memorable in this pilgrimage? (Japan, China, Taiwan Japan, China, Taiwan ...)

<평화와 화해의 순레>에 참여한 외국 청년들이 순례 후기를 보내주었습니다. 

1. What is memorable in this pilgrimage?

2. What do you want to say to those who participated in the pilgrimage?

3. What activities do you think are necessary for peace in Northeast Asia?

Yohei Aoyama (일본)

1. Pilgrimaged the sites of war(Artur airport: 알뜨르 비행장) with North East Asians.

2. Thanks for talk about culture,problems of each other’s country.

3. Not being fooled by the news, youth in each countries gathered and talk about each other’s thinking f2f(like this Pilgrimage.)

Junki Sugiyama (일본)

1.Singing Taize songs in every occasion

2. I want to appreciate all the participants who accepted us Japanese to be in part of the pilgrimage.

3. Learning each other's language, culture etc. together.

Catherine Sun (중국)

For the pilgrimage in Jeju, i was impressed by Korean people's hospitality that took care fof every attendee very well! Appreciate for it. 

And, the most impressed part is the prayer at the airport - i was very touched by the greeting exchange between Japanese and Chinese. There is one Japanese friend said "sorry" to me when we shake hands and greet each other. I was thinking that maybe for them, it's really a great courage to apologize to us. And we as a Chinese, also have the courage to forgive. And the korean people sung for us, and we pray together for peace there....This part really goes beyond the meaning of this pilgrimage!

i think to have the activity like this one is good for helping the promote of peace. Get together the people and sharing together, or visit the historical sites and most imporantly to pray together in the Lord.

most importantly, with God's grace, nothing is impossible.

王怡薔 (대만)

The most memorable thing about this pilgrimage was that the last day in 4.3 Peace Park. When everyone around the circle and sing song, it was very warm and touch, which made me the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

In addition, I am very impressed with people from different countries. I am very grateful to everyone who is willing to communicate with me.

I hope that participants will get something at this activity.I also look forward to see everyone next time.

I think that peace in the Northeast Asia needs to get together often, and there will be more exchanges.